What is an Online Psychiatry Session Like

What is an Online Psychiatry Session Like

Psychiatry and technology have become progressive partners in the health care industry. The term telepsychiatry is the familiar name for online mental health therapy. This new form of receiving counseling for mental disorders, behavioral problems, depression, and...
What to Look For When Looking For a Mental Health Online Service

What to Look For When Looking For a Mental Health Online Service

ReThinkMyTherapy.com is a completely new way to make psychotherapy and psychiatric therapy easier and cheaper for you. The first feature of the ReThinkMyTherapy.com that sets it apart from other online psychotherapy or psychiatry services is that it provides a free...
Can Online Therapists or Psychiatrists Prescribe Medication

Can Online Therapists or Psychiatrists Prescribe Medication

When it comes to mental illness, the thought alone can be a crippling one. Plus, being able to express one’s self when they need help can be a difficult task. Fortunately, there are many services available online that can treat mental illness, including therapy. With...